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Health & Safety 
We at Dabussia Company, have Health, Safety and Environment rules and regulations because we strongly believe that accidents can be prevented if these rules are followed and safety precautions taken. Accident prevention, however, is like preventive medicine. Most of us think about our health only when it appears that we are going to lost it – or have lost it.     One’s relationship with HSE too, often is the same. Little attention is paid to recommendation, which are based on sound professional experience and accidents that have occurred in the past, until after an accident happens.   Over the years, Dabussia's HSEQ system has evolved from basic construction safety practices to a fully integrated HSEQ Management System.
Dabussia's HSE policy and procedures are made available to each employee at the time of employment. The employee attends an HSE induction and basic safety training courses prior to being assigned a job task and issued safety and protective working gear.
Safety Statistics and Accident Reporting 
Monthly safety reports are maintained by the company’s QA & HSE Manager who reports independently to the corporate management on QA & HSE within the organization.   All accidents or incidents are to be reported within 24 hours on stipulated forms to the QA & HSE Coordinator who in turn makes a review of the accident and recommends action to be carried out. 
Health, Safety and Environment Meetings 
HSE meetings are conducted at our field facilities and performance reviewed practical on-hands situations and drills are implemented to ensure employees readiness to meet any eventualities. Pre-job tool box HSE meetings are mandatory prior to start of any construction activity.  
In addition to on-the-job training conducted in-house, key field Construction & QA/QC personnel undergo external HSE training courses. 
The following principles are taken to ensure achievement of HSE requirements: 
• Elimination of accidents at work;
• Installation of safe systems of work;
• Active management of safety to promote safety awareness by production of safety reports;
• Provision of appropriate training of all personnel;
• Safety promotion by regular communications and meetings. Also, regular updated safety publicity to be posted on all notice boards;
• Strive to prevent pollution, and seek improvement with respect to emission, discharge, wastes, energy use, resources consumption and ecological footprint.
• Monitor the effects of our activities on environment and take actions to address effects where necessary.
• Encouragement of personnel to participate in improving HSE on the projects by series of HSE campaign on road safety, personal health & safety - wearing protective clothing.
• Collection, discussion and dissemination of information of safety and issues arising from accidents/incidents;
• Regular HSE audits to ensure compliance and effectiveness of operations.
• Periodically review strategic health and safety objectives. 
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